
Ceramic Coating and Paint Protection Film

By- Lisa Montalto

Cars are one of the most depreciated products on the market. Unlike a house whose value goes up over the years, a car loses its value the second it drives off the dealership parking lot. That being said, it’s important to keep your car in tip-top condition if you ever want to trade it in or sell it down the line, There’s only so much you can do about engine wear and tear, but when it comes to keeping the exterior of your car looking amazing, fade and scratch prevention is key.

Two of the most common practices in being proactive with the care of your car’s exterior are paint protection and ceramic coating. Each offers extensive benefits to keep your car looking lustrous.

Paint Protection Film

Paint protection in Lancaster and Palmdale is done by applying an elastomeric polymer film over the car’s surface. Done by a professional, this film is oftentimes called a clear bra. Made of a thick, flexible, and strong layer that is invisible to the eye, it protects against scratches, abrasions, and any debris that may hit the car on the road. This film protects against UV rays which prevents paint fading and rusting and is self-healing against any small abrasions that may come its way. With PPF your car looks brand new all the time.

The installation process is a multi-stage process ending with an activation by a liquid spray. A squeegee is used to ensure a smooth installation. This is not permanent and can be easily removed if leasing a vehicle or for other reasons. It does not result in any damage to the original paint.

Mirror Image Auto Detailing uses STEK Dynoshield PPF which is an industry leader in Hydrophobic and self-healing paint protection. Its high-gloss factor is a key element for amazing aesthetics and it comes with a 10-year warranty and offers no interference with GPS, antenna, or radar. You can choose from partial front, full front, track pack, and full body.

Ceramic Coating

Ceramic Coating in Lancaster and Palmdale is the other option for protecting the exterior of your car. It gives your car a lifetime showroom shine. Even when you do wash your car that has been ceramic coated, it takes less time, uses less water, and fewer products. This coating protects against fading by repelling UV rays, water spots, bird droppings, and tar adhesion. What most people don’t know is that bird droppings can cause permanent damage to the paint if not removed right away. The same is true of water spots. Unless you’re washing your car daily, over time your paint will suffer from these simple acts of nature. Ceramic coating acts as armor on your car for full protection against anything.

It’s done by creating hydrophobic surfaces everywhere on your car, including the body, windows, wheels, plastics, and interior, too. An expert with Mirror Image Auto Detailing thoroughly hand-washes the car with professional auto shampoo to remove dirt and debris before doing a chemical decontamination to remove water spots, bird droppings, tar, and iron. A clay bar treatment comes next to remove anything bonded to the surfaces. The car is then machine polished which can take up to 16 hours to completely remove any minor scratches or swirl marks.

Next comes a cleansing coating prep that removes oils and primes the paint. The ceramic coating is applied panel-by-panel, covering every surface, and then IR lamps are used to bond the coating. High temperatures are used to cure the coating and ensure a solid bond which can take about 7 to 10 days. The coating is then fully bonded at a molecular level with a semi-permanent barrier that cannot be washed off no matter how many times you go through a car wash. The only way to remove it is by machine polishing.

The length of time that ceramic coating lasts depends on the materials used and the shop doing the job. At Mirror Image, there are four options to choose from.

Ceramic Pro Sport

This is the beginner’s ceramic coating for those just wanting to try it out. It lasts about a year and repels against dirt, water spots, bird droppings, and road debris without having to wax.

Modesta BC-08

This is a thick Neo Silica coating that lasts up to 4 years once bonded.

Modesta BC-X

This coating is slick and offers more protection than the BC-08 and lasts up from 4 to 6 years.

Modesta BC-047

Using Nano Titanium, this glass coating offers extreme gloss and durability that lasts from 7 to 10 years.

The professionals at Mirror Image Auto Detailing of Lancaster, CA will help you decide what’s best for you and your vehicle at a price that won’t break the bank. Servicing Quartz Hill, Palmdale, and the Antelope Valley, Mirror Image has been in business since 2014 with a hand-selected team that has worked on thousands of vehicles. If you’re thinking about protecting your vehicle, get a quote today!