
Everything You Wanted to Know About MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS & Were Too Afraid To Ask

Roughly 1 out of every 36 adults in the US owns a motorcycle. Riding motorcycles are not only fun, but offer a lot of benefits, including the fact they are normally much cheaper and convenient compared to their 4-wheel counterparts. Not to mention better value for insurance and generally bikes can be a lot less maintenance. 

Irrespective of these benefits and road-safety rules aimed at protecting motorcyclists – there is still a statistically significant chance of serious injury occurring when in an automotive collision. In fact, roughly 15% of all motor collisions in the United States involved a motorcycle

If an accident occurs, it can be very serious and can have a significant negative impact on a person’s life. While statistically speaking – you have about a 1 in 10 chance of getting into an accident on the road – the fact of the matter is that motorcycle accidents typically have a far more severe impact on the driver. For example – By 2014 a rear-ending occurred every 17 seconds on the US road system. 

If you or someone you know has been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, it is important to seek the help of an Experienced Accident Attorney.

A motor accident attorney will work with you to secure the best medical care for your injuries. They will also provide you with the necessary steps that will allow quick recovery from injuries and assist with the healing process.

This article aims to reveal some of the facts about motorcycle accidents in order to allow you to ride  while being well informed and prepared!

Understanding the Different Types of Motorcycle Accidents

In most cases, motorcycle accidents are classified as personal injuries, but there are many other types of motorcycle accidents as well. To protect you and your legal rights, you should Contact an Experienced Attorney who can help you determine the type of accident and what actions will be needed to ‘Protect Your Rights.’

Many of these claims are for road-related injuries such as whiplash, neck injuries, back and spinal injuries, and knee injuries. There are also motorcycle accidents that have caused death or great bodily harm.

Motorcyclists face the risk of a rear-end collision with another vehicle at a far higher rate than regular motorists. Being struck by a train, animal, or another object is also a very real possibility. Not to mention the risk of being involved in an auto accident while out on the road. These potential hazardous situations occur with so much frequency that many states have implemented special rules to ensure that these risks are taken into account.

It is important to find out all the facts about your accident to help you better prepare yourself for what the future may bring.

Direct Collisions are common – and very dangerous!

Motorcycle accidents can be very serious for both the rider and passenger. Most motorcycle accidents that cause injury to a passenger are classified as a result of a “direct collision with another vehicle.”

Other direct collisions may involve being hit by a train, deer, or another vehicle. There’s also another category of an accident that may occur. This is known as a slip and fall accident. A slip and fall can lead to serious injuries or even death and may occur due to poor road conditions, negligent actions on the part of a business and much more. This is why it is imperative that you find a dedicated Motorcycle Accident Attorney to assist you. 

Having the Right Gear could Save Your Life!

There is a reason you need to wear the proper safety equipment when on you’re on a bike, it essentially acts as a second skin offering protection from crashes, sunburn and also any debris that may be in the air!

Having the property safety gear could be the difference between your survival and not. There are many survivors who wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for having and using quality gear to protect your vital organs and other `soft spots’. 

When you travel at high velocities on a motorcycle – the road becomes an additional element to consider – especially since your vehicle has no “body” to protect you from impact. At high speeds – the lack of proper safety gear will increase the odds of serious or even fatal injuries.

The Odds are Against You!

Although motorcyclists do not always realize this, they are at greater risk of becoming victims of motorcycle accidents than any other vehicle on the road.

Not only are you at a higher risk (statistically) than traditional motorists – you also have a statistically higher chance of contracting serious injuries. When you look at historical figures like; 

“In 2012, 75% of two-vehicle motorcycle accidents involved the motorcycle crashing into the vehicle ahead of it and only 7% involved the motorcycle being hit in the rear.That year half of all fatal accidents were two-vehicle crashes,However, they also had the highest rate of collision with fixed object between passenger cars, light trucks, and heavy trucks; with a 22% of fatalities being single-vehicle crashes with a fixed object. Of the two-vehicle crashes one nearly 40% involved the motorcycle hitting another vehicle turning left.” – Source

In most cases, motorcycle accidents have a higher instance of reports than automobile accidents. Most motorcycle accidents occur in populated areas of the country but do occur on a regular basis. This is mainly because driving conditions, laws and technology has made the roads “safer”. Nonetheless – if (and when) a direct collision or a rear-ended collision does occur; it is imperative that you seek assistance and obtain just compensation for your injuries! 

It’s Best to Hire a Specialized Motorcycle Accident Attorney

When you are involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important to let the attorney you hire know as soon as possible. This will enable them to take the necessary steps to prevent any further injury and to offer you the best possible medical care that will address the need for treatment.

Finding the right motorcycle accident attorney can be difficult, but there are things you can look out for to make sure you are getting the best deal and service possible. 

It’s important to understand that a legitimate Motorcycle Accident Attorney will not charge you prior to winning your case If they offer a “no win, no fee” service – it shows you that they are confident in winning the case. 

It’s always in your Best Interests to do additional research to make sure you have the best representation possible. 

If you are considering becoming a motorcyclist – it is important that you brush up on all of the laws in your favor and even to get a motorcycle accident attorney on speed dial. While in most cases – you’d be fine riding your bike – in the case that you do suffer an accident…wouldn’t you want to have a lawyer in your phone? Someone you can trust? 

Call us here at JT Legal Group and let us know how we can help, or simply introduce yourself and let us know that we’ll be your first call in the case that you are in an accident. 

Nonetheless – be safe out there. And in the case that something bad happens – remember that we are only a phone call away.