
Consider having wheel chocks to avoid accidents:

It is not necessary that accidents can only happen by a moving vehicle. Sometimes, a vehicle that is parked with the engine off can injure someone seriously. That’s the reason; you do not want to go near a car which does not have chocks beneath its tires. Rubber wheel chocks ensure that a vehicle do not move accidentally when parked on an inclined surface. However, it is also not necessary that a vehicle with the break engaged cannot move accidentally. A little push from something can cause big accidents sometimes. Wheels chocks ensure that the wheels of your vehicle can’t roll over. Such chocks are available in plastic and rubber variants. However, a rubber variant is seemed to work better.

Always take preventative measures while working on or parking your car:

Most people just pull the handbrake and start to work on their car. But sometimes even engaging the brakes is not enough. You need to take some extra measures so you do not end up getting yourself hurt. It is highly advisable that you always use the wheel chocks before doing such things. Parking brakes only works on the rear wheels of the car. But if you are changing a tire at the back by lifting the car up, then the parking brakes become obsolete. They will be ineffective against speed humps as well.

Read this to know about other safety measures:

You must have come across the term speed bumps and speed humps. Both of these are used to slow down the drivers. You will find such bumps installed near the school or an office where it is advised to drive slowly. The areas which have a lot of pedestrians walking most of the time have these bumps installed, too. However, it is the responsibility of the driver to drive slowly in such crowded place, but sometimes the rules have to be enforced on people so they can follow it.